How to Find Encryption Level of Current Browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer Users

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, click the "Help" menu at the top of the page and select "About Internet Explorer". The version of your browser along with the encryption level will appear. If your Encryption Level is not 128 bit. You will need to download the Update Patch.

Note: There are two different versions of the 128 Bit Encryption Pack

  • If you are running Windows 2000 (operating system), and do not already have 128 bit encryption, download the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack.
  • If you are not running Windows 2000 and do not already have 128 bit encryption, download the Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack.

The downloads can be found at the following link.

See the Section:  Recommended Updates and Add-ons

Internet Explorer Version 6 - High Encryption Service Pack

Netscape Navigator/Communicator Users

If you are using Netscape Navigator or Communicator, go to the "Help" menu and select "About Navigator (or Communicator)". Look for the section that reads "Contains encryption software from RSA Data Security, Inc".

If the next paragraph says:

  • "This version supports U.S. security", that means you have 128-bit security.
  • "International Security", that means you have 40-bit security.

The downloads can be found at the following links.

See the Section:  Our Recommendations

Archived releases with no official support

AOL Users

If you are using America Online (AOL), it uses whatever version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) that is installed on your computer. To check what level of encryption you have you will need to launch MSIE and go to "Help", "About Internet Explorer". There it will show the encryption level of your browser.

For AOL users needing to upgrade, go to Key Word 128 Browser.
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